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Guarding Routes

In order to make use of auth services, these interfaces must be implemented and registered IAuthentication, IAuthorization and ITokenService. These can be used either by being injected like any other service or via the auth decorator on route handlers.

There is an optional package available that offers an implementation using jsonwebtoken and bcrypt.

Add that package to the project.

yarn add @lindeneg/funkallero-auth-service


Add @lindeneg/funkallero-auth-service to external property in rollup.config.mjs

Update Entities & DTOs

Update User Entity

Add password field to user entity.

interface IUser {
id: string;
name: string;
email: string;
password: string;
createdAt: Date;
updatedAt: Date;

export default IUser;

Also update createUserSchema & ICreateUserResponse.

import { z } from 'zod';
import type User from '@/domain/user';

export const createUserSchema = z.object({
name: z.string().min(2).max(20),
email: z.string().email(),
password: z.string().min(8).max(20),

export interface ICreateUserDto extends z.infer<typeof createUserSchema> {}

export interface ICreateUserResponse {
id: User['id'];
token: string;

Define new entity that describes encoded data.

class AuthModel {
id: string;
email: string;

export default AuthModel;

Create a new user login contract

import { z } from 'zod';

export const loginUserSchema = z.object({
email: z.string(),
password: z.string(),

export interface ILoginUserDto extends z.infer<typeof loginUserSchema> {}

export interface ILoginUserResponse {
token: string;

Implement Authentication Service

When BaseAuthenticationService is extended, only two method implementations are required.

  • getEncodedToken
    • A method that returns an encoded token from a request.
  • getUserFromDecodedToken
    • A method that returns the entity to which a token belongs.
import { BaseAuthenticationService } from '@lindeneg/funkallero-auth-service';
import type User from '@/domain/user';
import type AuthModel from '@/domain/auth-model';
import type DataContextService from '@/services/data-context-service';

// BaseAuthenticationService is a scoped service
class AuthenticationService extends BaseAuthenticationService<User, AuthModel, DataContextService> {
protected getEncodedToken(): string | null {
// bearer strategy is taken here, could also be cookies etc..
const authHeader: string[] = this.request.headers.authorization?.split(' ') || [];
if (authHeader.length === 2) {
const token: string = authHeader[1];
return token;
return null;

protected async getUserFromDecodedToken(decodedToken: AuthModel): Promise<User | null> {
const user = this.dataContext.userRepository.get(;

if (user && === return user;

return null;

export default AuthenticationService;

Implement Authorization Service

BaseAuthorizationService is based upon policies. Each policy has a name and a handler function.

By default, each handler is always given an object with a decodedToken and the request to which that token belongs.

However, it is possible to provide custom arguments via the method getCustomPolicyArgs.

import { BaseAuthorizationService, type AuthorizationPolicyHandlerFn } from '@lindeneg/funkallero-auth-service';
import type AuthModel from '@/domain/auth-model';
import type AuthenticationService from './authentication-service';

type CustomHandlerArgs = {
authService: AuthenticationService;

type AuthHandler = AuthorizationPolicyHandlerFn<CustomHandlerArgs, AuthModel>;

// BaseAuthorizationService is a scoped service
class AuthorizationService extends BaseAuthorizationService<AuthHandler, AuthenticationService> {
protected async getCustomPolicyArgs() {
return {
authService: this.authService,

const authenticatedPolicy: AuthHandler = async ({ authService }) => {
const user = await authService.getUser();

// auth service already checks ===
return user !== null;

const isMilesDavisPolicy: AuthHandler = async ({ authService }) => {
const user = await authService.getUser();

// auth service already checks ===
return user !== null && === 'miles davis';

AuthorizationService.addPolicy(['authenticated', authenticatedPolicy], ['name-is-miles-davis', isMilesDavisPolicy]);

export default AuthorizationService;

Register Auth Services

Register auth services in main project file.

import { BaseTokenService } from '@lindeneg/funkallero-auth-service';
import AuthenticationService from '@/services/authentication-service';
import AuthorizationService from '@/services/authorization-service';

setup(service) {
service.registerSingletonService(SERVICE.TOKEN, BaseTokenService);
service.registerScopedService(SERVICE.AUTHENTICATION, AuthenticationService);
service.registerScopedService(SERVICE.AUTHORIZATION, AuthorizationService);